Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Child Malnutrition in Mexico
ST4N Impact Report: Fighting for Global Nutrition in an Era of Crises
Strong Pandemic Response in India Supported Nutrition Resilience of Vulnerable Communities
An examination of existing data indicates that the Indian government’s efforts protected the nutrition status of the most vulnerable women and child population groups -- helping to ensure their nutrition resilience in the face of a protracted shock.
ST4N Global Food Crisis Policy Brief
Tragic Impacts of the Global Food Crisis on Child Wasting
Global Food Crisis increases urgency to address the inequitable impact of malnutrition, health and poverty for women and girls
ST4N Knowledge Hub Launched!
Visit the ST4N Knowledge Hub to find evidence on the impact of crises (COVID-19 pandemic, Ukraine war, prior disease and economic shocks) on nutritional outcomes and their determinants, and recommendations on effective measures to mitigate that nutritional burden.
Act now before Ukraine war plunges millions into malnutrition
Economic shocks predict increases in child wasting prevalence
Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Year of Action Launch Event Recap
Bloomberg Quicktake:
Nature Food Releases Two New Publications
Not just 1 but 2 papers published in Nature Food! The latest ST4N research on the potential impacts of COVID-19 on malnutrition and a Comment on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the affordability of healthy diets.
The Lancet Voice Releases a Podcast Discussing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Malnutrition
The Lancet Voice released a new podcast discussing how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the world's malnutrition problem with Saskia Osendarp, Micronutrient Forum's Executive Director, and Shweta Khandelwal of the Public Health Foundation of India sharing a specific focus on India.
Raising the alarm on COVID-19 and malnutrition
On this podcast by GAIN, members of the ST4N Coalition; Dr Anna Lartey, leading academic at the University of Ghana and former Director of Nutrition at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and Dr Lynnette Neufeld, Director of Knowledge Leadership at GAIN share their views on the possible consequences the pandemic might bring, highlighting vulnerable groups such as women and children.